Afterschool Vendor Clubs

These clubs/activities are run by outside vendors that are screened and coordinated by Poudre School District.  We host these clubs/activities and we provide space and student reminders via daily announcements.  Students are able to sign-up via vendor websites (see below for specific links).  Outside vendors are responsible for student attendance and parent communication.  O’Dea staff do assist but primary management falls on each outside vendor. 

Outside Vendor Clubs Day Time Location Dates Cost Requirements
Chess Club [LINK] Mondays 3:40 4:40pm Media Center Jan 22-Apr 22 $120 per semester None
Creative Arts Club Mondays 3:40-4:40pm Back Annex Hallway Ongoing $15 per class None
Creative Arts Club Tuesdays 3:40-4:40pm Back Annex Hallway Ongoing $15 per class None
Creative Arts Club Thursdays 3:40-4:40pm Back Annex Hallway Ongoing $15 per class None
Creative Arts Club Fridays 3:40-4:40pm Back Annex Hallway Ongoing $15 per class None
Girls on the Run [LINK] Tuesdays & Thursdays 3:45-4:45pm Media Center Mar 4- May 17 $95 per Season Girls Grades 3-5
Blooming Girls [LINK] Once A Month on Tuesdays 3:45-5:10pm Media Center Last Club May 7 $35 / per class Girls K-5
Play-Well Lego Engineering [LINK] Wednesdays 3:40-5:10pm Music Room March 20-
May 15
Price Coming Soon K-3 Grades
Yoga Club [LINK] Wednesdays 3:40-4:30pm Room 110 Mar 20-May 8 $79 /8 weeks None
Spanish Club [LINK] Wednesdays 3:40-4:40pm Room 108 Sept 13 - Apr 24 More Info Next Year None

Odyssey of the Mind [LINK]
TBD 3:40-4:40pm TBD Oct-March $20 per student None
PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.