O'Dea Owl Families,
Thanks to all the families that came to the Book Fair Events this week (Breakfast/Extended Hours) and Awards Assembly! We love seeing O'Dea families, and these events were the highlights of our week! Remember NO SCHOOL MONDAY!
We have O’Dea’s second Family Movie Night of the year on 3/7 – We will be screening The Secret Life of Pets in the gym (doors open at 6:00, and the movie starts at 6:30). We have limited space in the gym, so to attend, please sign up here!https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090B4DABAF2CAAFA7-55240292-odea
Over the next week and a half (2-26 to 3-7), O'Dea is having a small fundraiser for California's recent wildfire victims. Several 5th-grade students came to me and proposed that we do a spare change drive to help those impacted by the fires. I love student leadership and have worked to help these 5th-grade leaders and O'Dea Student Council organize a spare change drive. The Change for Change - California Fire Relief Change Drive will collect change from families and students and then donate this money directly to the Red Cross. The students created a video that we showed to all the classrooms on Monday. We would love any spare change towards the fire relief, and any support will also help us grow/empower student leadership at O'Dea! Please send spare change with your student, and classroom teachers will collect this over the next week and a half.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Important Announcements and Updates
3/7 We have O’Dea’s second Family Movie Night of the year on 3/7 – We will be screening The Secret Life of Pets in the gym (doors open at 6:00, and the movie starts 6:30) Sign Up Coming Next Week.
Support O’Dea PTA by linking your King Soopers Card to O’Dea. At NO COST to you – King Soopers donates a percentage of your transaction back to O’Dea. https://www.kingsoopers.com/i/community/community-rewards
Fun Run and PTA Funds Update – We are moving forward with installing new blinds throughout O’Dea, and this should be completed by May 2025! With the second target – School Marquee – we allocated $20,000 of Fun Run to support this. Unfortunately, the quote for the Marquee came out at $28,000. We are working to find the final $8,000 this year or will finish fundraising for this initiative next year. Thanks for all of your support in making O’Dea unforgettable.
O’Dea Family Calendar |
3/3 | No School |
3/7 | O’Dea Family Movie Night – Secret Life of Pets |
3/17-21 | Spring Break |