Weekly Family Owl Update March 7

O'Dea Owl Families, 

Thanks to all the family support for The Change for Change - California Fire Relief Change Drive. We raised $1,129.22!!!!!!!! These funds will be donated directly to the Red Cross.  This fantastic student-initiated fundraiser helped grow/empower student leadership at O'Dea!  I cannot express enough thanks to the entire community for your caring and support for those impacted by the fires in California.  

PTA is sponsoring a Treat the Teacher event on March 13th!  This is a great way to support the phenomenal staff at O’Dea.  We want to send the teachers off to Spring Break with some love and a Sandwich Bar!!!  The sign-up link is below. (Please feel free to sign up for multiple items!) And know how much the teachers genuinely appreciate these events! We couldn't do it without YOU!! 


We are approaching the time of year when we administer CMAS (Colorado Measures of Academic Success) for 3rd- 5th-grade students.  State and federal governments require these assessments, giving us invaluable information on student learning at O’Dea.  This year, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students will take grade level assessments in Math and English Language Arts (reading and writing), and 5th grade will also take a science assessment.  Each test has three sessions that last from 65 to 90 minutes, depending on the test.  These tests provide valuable information for our school and teachers, who use the data to understand where students are in their learning and tailor current and future instruction.  Poudre School District and the Colorado Department of Education use these results to measure overall student academic progress and identify opportunities for O’Dea to improve.  3rd Grade testing will occur Tuesday April 8th to the 10th and 4th/5th grades will occur April 15th to the 17th.   

Have a wonderful weekend,

Dr. M

Important Announcements and Updates 

Support the O’Dea PTA by linking your King Soopers Card to O’Dea.  At NO COST to you – King Soopers donates a percentage of your transaction back to O’Dea.  https://www.kingsoopers.com/i/community/community-rewards 

Fun Run and PTA Funds Update: We are moving forward with installing new blinds throughout O’Dea, which should be completed by May 2025! For the second target—the school Marquee—we allocated $20,000 of Fun Run to support this. Unfortunately, the quote for the Marquee came out at $28,000. We are working to find the final $8,000 this year or will finish fundraising for this initiative next year. Thanks for all of your support in making O’Dea unforgettable.  


O’Dea Family Calendar 

3/17-21  Spring Break                                                                                                                                                                        
3/31 School Accountability Meeting (SAC) 5:00-6:00 pm
3/31-4/4  Autism Acceptance Week and Autism Family Breakfast 4/4 @ 9:15 
4/7 PTA Virtual Meeting 6-7pm https://meet.google.com/wgi-whuh-eut
4/8-4/10  3rd Grade CMAS Testing 
4/15-4/17  4th and 5th Grade CMAS Testing 
4/18  No School 
4/22  O’Dea Musical @ Fort Collins High School 



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